Monday, July 12, 2010

Starting out

So I really don't have much to say tonight since it is VERY late and I have spent way too much time tweaking this blog so that I would be happy with it.

I hope to eventually have people viewing my blog, but who knows maybe it will always just be me writing my thoughts down and nothing more. What ever the road, that is the way it is supposed to be :-)

I have learned that the best way for me to vent my worries, concerns or even my joys is to write it down, that is the main purpose of this blog. It is to give me a way to spill what is on my mind and in my heart with no worries that the person I am telling will tell another person etc. etc. I don't expect to say anything derogatory about another person, however in the event that I do it will not have an effect on that person or on me since I am the "Invisible Witch".

My plan to to write every night after my meditation, which happens to be around 3am. That has definitely showed to be the least active time for my family and by then, I have unwound enough to need some alone time. Of course that means that I need to actually meditate! Which I hope this blog helps me to do.

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