Friday, July 30, 2010

Doggie theft

Chalice Level: Half  (Just tired)

It has been a while since I last posted. And tonight post likely will not be that long. But we have had several things happening. First we stole a dog, or according to my mom we rescued it, lol. It has been running around my mother-in-laws home for several months and has always been very friendly. We recently tried to pet it and it cowers. The people who we believe owns it has had several dogs, all of which run the neighborhood and are skinny. At this time of year it is very hot outside and they often look thirsty. So I had had enough and decided that it would be greatly loved at our place. So far so good, he gets along great with our other dog and they both love having someone to play with.

My youngest has been introduced to baby cereal and seems to like it.

My hubby still is without a job, but I have found work at as a phone psychic which so far I love doing. I did have one person leave really bad feedback which has now affected my overall score since I am really new and now I am having to work even harder trying to build my score back up to where it should be. But it did not cost out of pocket for me to get started and I can do it at home, around my schedule etc.

My meditations have not been going so well since I am falling into the trap of not doing them regularly again. But I plan to do a decent meditation tonight after I spend a little time with the baby who is missing me since I have been doing readings most the evening.

I know I am missing stuff. But that will have to do for now.


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