Saturday, August 7, 2010

I wish it would rain

Chalice Level: what is below empty?

It is amazing how much can change in a VERY short amount of time.

I am feeling pretty down about a couple of things. My online readings are a hit or miss as far as how much I make which means we absolutely cannot count on it for the sole income. I am noticing that people call for confirmation of what they "already know" or so they think, not for what is given to me. So this ends up with negative feedback. Fortunately most of the feedback is of the very positive nature but the ones that are not have a tendency to make me feel like crap which then in turn makes it very hard to do readings. If my emotions are not in check, I cannot do good readings. I really need to get a reading myself, but the reader that I trust may not be available. He has a bunch of things going on in his own life.

OK, one of the first things is that someone emailed me about my usage of "501(c)3". I had that listed on the websites that we were now a 501(c)3 non-profit. So the issue is that apparently 501(c)3 is an IRS term, not a general term for what ever the type of non-profit you are. And to use that you must have approval from the IRS. So my issue is that my non-profit, or at least at the moment, is only state level. This means that I do NOT have 501(c)3 status for my organization. I got confused because when filling out the state paperwork for incorporation it asked under what IRS code I was eligible for non-profit status. So of course it is the 501(c)3 and I thought when we were approved on the state level it meant that we were a 501(c)3. Apparently not and I then had to remove that from the website, and send out a retraction to the people I had sent solicitation letters to who said they wanted to help out. I did not realize that just because I have a non-profit does not actually mean that donations are tax deductible. *BIG SIGH*. Hazards of learning things as you go.

Anyhow I am back to using the other non-profit organization to solicit for donations but must first get approval of the letter. I gave that to the president of that organization last night, but must wait to hear back from him.

Last night was a monthly meeting for Pagans in my area that is fairly large. I gave several people tickets to the ball, including the president of the organization that is helping out mine, the facilitator for this particular meeting, someone that I had a bit of a run-in with at the start of the Ball planning, someone I am very fond of & the old facilitator for the Ball. Each of them got two tickets. One for themselves and a guest. I was running late, so I rushed through the place to hand them out, had a seat to finish sewing a clasp onto the cloak I was donating to the PPD fund raising efforts and then not long after the facilitator made an announcement at the start of the evening that this particular group (who is hosting this monthly meeting) will be putting on the 2011 Ball. Totally out of the blue for me, I totally did not see that coming. I am a little hurt over the way it was done, or actually no. I am more than a little hurt. I did speak to the facilitator after her announcement but definitely get the feeling that she was not sharing all the reasons they decided to take over the ball. Her reasoning was that since they were the ones to host the ball several years ago that they just wanted to take a break for a while. They had considedred doing 2010 but then my organization jumped at it so they let it be. I think some of it is that they are tired of the undercurrent of drama but who know. I wish she had said something earlier.

 I am however glad that it was them that jumped at it instead of the one member that I was having issues with several months ago. In fact I think it is a strong possibility they decided to take over because they wanted to stop drama from happening next year. I think they figured what I figured which was that that disgruntled ex member would try to take over and then they would have a ton of drama. But still, I am a bit hurt over it. I already offered to help out and give them the ability to use the website that I have. Although it is hard not being upset about the situation, I feel like I am meant to learn from this experience and I really could learn a lot from working with them.

So right now I am just feeling really low. I hopped that writing about these issues would make me feel better but I don't think so, at least not yet. I did have some good new as far as people donating but the baby is fussing and I am feeling tired of writing. I will fill ya in later.


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